June 7, 2023

Crucial Authentication Practices: What Developers Often Miss & How Passkeys Overcomes Them

Crucial Authentication Practices: What Developers Often Miss & How Passkeys Overcomes Them

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A well-implemented authentication system is integral to the success of any application. However, many developers often overlook certain key elements while creating or managing these systems, which may lead to security vulnerabilities or inefficient use of resources. This article highlights some common oversight areas and provides tips to avoid such mistakes.

1. Ensuring Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

In the traditional authentication model, the username and password combo has reigned supreme. However, the rise of cyber-attacks demands a more robust authentication system. A study by Microsoft in 2019 suggested that accounts secured with MFA are 99.9% less likely to be compromised.

Yet, some developers neglect to implement MFA, citing complexity or usability concerns. Thankfully, numerous libraries and services (like Auth0, Firebase, or AWS Cognito) have made adding MFA straightforward. MFA provides an extra layer of security, verifying the user through a secondary device or email, thus significantly reducing the chances of unauthorized access.

2. Storing Passwords Securely

A surprising number of developers overlook the importance of securely storing passwords. Storing passwords in plain text is a major faux pas, leaving user accounts vulnerable if there's a data breach.

Secure Hashing Algorithms (SHA), such as SHA-256 or Bcrypt, are widely adopted for password storage. These algorithms transform the password into a hash, which is stored instead of the actual password. Even if hackers acquire the hash, they cannot reverse-engineer the original password. In 2020, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommended using a minimum of 10,000 iterations of SHA-256 for password storage.

3. Adopting Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Developers often forget to properly set up access control, which determines what authenticated users can and cannot do. A secure system requires fine-grained, role-based access control (RBAC).

In RBAC, permissions aren't assigned to specific users, but to specific roles, like "Admin" or "User". According to a 2022 survey by Gartner, approximately 70% of enterprise-level applications utilize RBAC for secure and manageable access control. Libraries such as Casbin or cloud solutions like AWS IAM make implementing RBAC more straightforward than ever.

4. Regularly Updating Authentication Libraries

Keeping up with the latest versions of libraries and dependencies used in the authentication module is crucial for security. According to a report by Synopsys in 2021, outdated software components account for 84% of all security breaches.

As technology evolves, so do the techniques employed by hackers. By updating the libraries, developers can take advantage of the latest security patches and features, thereby safeguarding the system against potential security threats.

5. Logging and Monitoring

Lastly, many developers neglect the significance of logging and monitoring in the authentication module. By tracking unsuccessful login attempts, IP addresses, and session durations, developers can identify unusual behavior that could signal a potential security threat.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions such as Splunk or Elastic Stack can assist in gathering and analyzing this data. A 2023 survey by Cybersecurity Insiders reported that 90% of organizations implementing SIEM detected security incidents they wouldn't have otherwise found.

What Developers should do?

As technology progresses, so does the field of user authentication. Biometrics (fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, etc.) are becoming commonplace in device-based authentication. Gartner predicts that by 2024, 60% of large and global enterprises, and 90% of midsize enterprises, will implement passwordless methods in more than 50% of use cases.

However, it's crucial to remember that with the advancements in authentication methods, the complexity of managing these systems also increases. Therefore, as a developer, it's imperative to stay updated with the latest trends and ensure best practices are in place when implementing and managing authentication systems.

Leveraging Passkeys for Secure Authentication

Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance, established in 2013, has sought to address many authentication issues through its innovative standards. Notably, the FIDO2 project, which includes WebAuthn and CTAP (Client to Authenticator Protocol), emphasizes user-friendly and secure authentication methods. Passkeys evolved from this FIDO2 standard and we will discuss how Passkeys can fill the gaps highlighted in the above sections.

  1. Solving MFA and Password Storage Issues with FIDO

One significant feature of the Passkeys standards is the use of public key cryptography for authentication, eliminating the need for traditional passwords altogether. When a user registers with a service, the Passkeys-enabled device creates a new key pair, keeping the private key secure within the device and registering the public key with the online service.

For authentication, the device digitally signs a challenge from the server using the private key, which the server can then verify with the stored public key. Since no shared secret (like a password) is transmitted, it eradicates many common attack vectors, such as phishing or man-in-the-middle attacks. Additionally, since only the public key is stored server-side, the risk associated with a server data breach is minimized.

Passkeys also inherently supports MFA. The standards distinguish between two factors of authentication: "something you have" (the private key securely stored on the device), and "something you are" or "something you know" (like a biometric or a PIN to unlock the device).

  1. Passkeys and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

While Passkeys doesn’t explicitly cover RBAC, it complements it by providing strong identity assurance. With FIDO’s reliable user authentication, services can confidently assign roles and permissions based on the securely authenticated user identity.

  1. Updation, Logging and Monitoring

Passkeys does not directly address library updates, logging, or monitoring, as these are largely implementation-specific. However, its robust security model reduces the number of attack vectors, making logging and monitoring simpler. Also, the FIDO Alliance consistently updates its specifications to tackle emerging security threats, ensuring adherence to the latest in secure authentication.

Passkeys - The Future of Authentication?

According to a study by Spiceworks in 2022, 62% of organizations plan to implement PAsskeys within two years. The growth of Passkeys standards in the industry represents a step forward in addressing many of the commonly overlooked issues in developing and managing authentication modules. By using Passkeys, developers can leverage a user-friendly, highly secure, and future-proof standard for user authentication.

Visit https://passkeylab.com for experiencing Passkey based login.

About the author
SoundAuth makes passkey implementation easy. Make your app and website passkey ready within matter of few minutes than several months.
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